
(281) 781-7650

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The Bold World Of Bagworms

The Bold World Of Bagworms

In a world full of strange creatures, there is no shortage of creepy-crawlies to study. The ones with strange habits or scary appearances stand out the most, with one of the most interesting Texas pests being the bagworm. This creative critter is responsible for those...
Where Do Silverfish Come From? A Guide For Forney Homeowners

Where Do Silverfish Come From? A Guide For Forney Homeowners

If you have noticed yellow stains on your belongings or seen tiny, wingless insects crawling on your surfaces, you could have a silverfish infestation. While they do not pose a threat to humans, they can cause significant damage to your Forney property and affect your...
How Dangerous Are Millipedes In Houston?

How Dangerous Are Millipedes In Houston?

How many legs are too many legs? Six? Ten? One hundred? Honestly, anything over four legs seems weird and unnatural. If you feel this way as well, then millipedes must really freak you out. These multi-legged pests are common here in Houston and quite intimidating to...
How Big A Problem Are These Silverfish In My San Antonio Home?

How Big A Problem Are These Silverfish In My San Antonio Home?

Different pests cause trouble in different ways. Some are dangerous and threaten homeowners’ health with the diseases they carry or with their painful bites or stings. Other pests damage homes, furniture, or personal belongings. Some pests are neither dangerous nor...
Just How Dangerous Are The Earwigs Around My San Antonio Property?

Just How Dangerous Are The Earwigs Around My San Antonio Property?

Have you ever heard the stories about earwigs crawling into peoples’ ears and then laying eggs in their brains? Well, those stories are just stories, myths derived from European folklore that have made earwigs seem more menacing than they actually are. However, just...
Affordable, Effective Pest Control In DFW, Houston, Austin & San Antonio